Si bien existen productos equivalentes para el cuerpo, los rellenos faciales son, con diferencia, la versión más popular de este tipo de producto para mejorar la belleza. Sus raíces se remontan a los años 80, pero no fue hasta el siglo XXI.calle century, when they became truly a popular method for removing skin lines and enhancing facial features. A minimally invasive alternative to traditional plastic surgery, dermal filler offer a cheaper, more comfortable and precise method for regaining a youthful look by removing wrinkles or sculpting the features of the face. In many ways, fillers are a more pragmatic approach to improving one’s look.

A large part of the appeal are the immediate results – comparisons of the before after fillers face can often be quite dramatic. What for decades was an expensive and somewhat risky procedure involving surgery, is now a quick 20-30 minute treatment, using skin gel. Deep nasolabial folds? Filled. Wrinkles around the eyes? Smoothed out. Flat chin? Contoured in a matter of minutes. Results are quick and unlike plastic surgery – easily reversible, for the most part.

Rellenos de ácido hialurónico para el rostro.

Before logging online and doing a “filler for face near me” search, however, it is good to have a basic idea of what facial gel for feature enhancement and lines removal is, how it works and what types of products are available on the market. The most basic separation is the durability:

  • Skinbooster / rellenos meso – these skin products blur the line between the standard fillers and mesotherapy. Characteristic for them is the lower amount of Hyaluronic acid (if any) and that their actual “filling” effect on lines and wrinkles is very limited. Primarily used to hydrated and rejuvenated the skin, these are powerful solutions (single ingredient or cocktail) that take care of the overall condition of the upper dermis and tackle the processes of aging, usually by boosting collagen and elastic production, treating malnourished skin or via lifting effect.
  • rellenos temporales – the most common type of face fillers, at this point they are almost exclusively made out of Hyaluronic acid, with very few exceptions. The beauty market is saturated with skin gel based on HA and one can buy a filler to take care of any sort of imperfection – wrinkles, sagging skin, small lips, asymmetry, lack or loss of volume in certain facial Adjustments in concentration, manufacturing process, crosslinking and Hyaluronic concentration of the gel, as well as potentially combining it with additional ingredients (although not common), can drastically change the quality, density and viscoelasticity of the gel. The price of face fillers is reflective of that variety of options and rates cover the entire budget range.
  • Semi-permanent fillers – The name of this category is a bit misleading. Like the rest face fillers types, semi-permanent fillers do actually dissolve safely in the skin. However, they are intended to work at a much slower rate. While dense fillers based on HA tend to add volume for 18 months, at max, semi-permanent products are in the 2 to 5 year range. These are either some mixture of Hyaluronic acid and additional ingredients, or use an entirely different based like PLLA, Calcium or PCL, altogether. In general, semi-permanent fillers are great collagen boosters and “fill” and contour very effectively. However, due to their lasting nature, higher precision during application is necessary, to avoid asymmetry or the “pillow face filler” effect.

De estos, los productos de relleno facial a base de ácido hialurónico son, con diferencia, los más populares. La forma más común de mejora facial es el aumento de labios, tanto en términos de volumen como de contorno. Sin embargo, la eliminación de arrugas y líneas también son procedimientos muy comunes, junto con el realce de la nariz y el contorno del mentón y los pómulos. Lo mismo ocurre con el tratamiento del pliegue nasolabial.

El ácido hialurónico cambia las reglas del juego

La fabricación de rellenos faciales basados en HA es lo que cambió la percepción sobre ellos en su conjunto. Dado que el HA se produce de forma natural en el cuerpo humano, significa que finalmente existe un gel de mejora facial totalmente biocompatible. Además, estas moléculas ya son vitales para los procesos de hidratación de la piel, por lo que su liberación del gel a la dermis es un beneficio neto. Del mismo tipo, el ácido hialurónico tiene increíbles propiedades de retención de agua y puede retener muchas veces su propio peso en agua, lo que lo convierte en una base excelente para los rellenos faciales.

All of the above, shows why very quicky, dermatologist and other certified practitioners took a liking to fillers, especially HA based ones. And so did the patients. With no downtime, immediate results and a low price point, compared to traditional wrinkle removal / facial enhancement methods, fillers are a “no-brainer” option. Given their temporary nature and especially, considering that pure HA gel can be relatively easily dissolved quickly with enzymes (which solves the filler pillow face issue with ease), there is a good case to be made that the concurrent fillers for the face have no viable alternative in the beauty industry.

My Lip Filler te ofrece la oportunidad de elegir entre algunos de los productos de relleno de piel de mayor calidad disponibles en el mercado. Haga su pedido ahora o póngase en contacto hoy para obtener más información.


Cosmetologist’s Insight on Facial Fillers

Facial fillers are a versatile and effective solution for enhancing facial contours, smoothing out wrinkles, and restoring volume lost due to aging. As a cosmetologist, I cannot stress enough the importance of a customized approach to facial fillers. Facial anatomy is complex, and each area requires a specific type of filler and technique for the procedure to achieve the best results. Whether you’re looking to plump your lips, define your cheekbones, or soften nasolabial folds, the choice of filler and the precision of its application can dramatically affect the outcome.

My advice to anyone considering facial fillers is to consult with a professional who not only has a deep understanding of facial anatomy but also takes the time to understand your aesthetic goals. A thorough consultation should include a discussion about the different types of fillers available, such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, or poly-L-lactic acid, and which is best suited for your specific needs. Additionally, it’s crucial to discuss potential side effects and post-treatment care to ensure you’re fully prepared for the procedure.

Recuerde, los rellenos faciales no tienen como objetivo cambiar quién es usted, sino realzar su belleza natural y ayudarlo a sentirse más seguro de su apariencia. Un plan de tratamiento personalizado es clave para lograr resultados sutiles y de apariencia natural que reflejen su individualidad.

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