Beauty Friends II Cucumber Essence Mask Sheet Pack


Part of Beauty Friends’ impressively vast range of premium quality face masks, Cucumber Essence Mask Sheet Pack has remarkable anti-inflammatory and hydrating properties and it is a safe skincare product that is guaranteed to effectively reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, as well as to make rough and dry skin softer and smoother. Now available for purchase at My Lip Filler’s online store, this pioneering sheet mask knows how to harness the powers of cucumber.

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All-natural face masks

Just like all other top-rated skincare masks by the Korean cosmetic brand Beauty Friends, Cucumber Essence Mask Sheet Pack features only products that are entirely made of natural and eco-friendly ingredients. The main active substance in its formula, however, is Cucumis Sativus or cucumber. This is one of the most popular ingredients used in modern-day skincare products because it has many fantastic abilities such as:

  • Significantly moisturizing the skin
  • A cooling and refreshing effect
  • Considerable reduction of enlarged pores
  • Ideal for people with sensitive skin
  • Reliable treatment of oily skin

These groundbreaking face masks also have a protective function since cucumbers contain Polysaccharides which form a layer over the skin which preserves its hydro balance and offers extra protection to the skin.

What does each pack contain?

Every package of this innovative cosmetic product features 23g of cucumber. The mask can be applied either heated or cooled and it can be used on a daily basis without risk of irritations, allergic reactions or any other side effects. At the back of each pack, you can find instructions in both English and in Korean. Rely on My Lip Filler to by this and other Beauty Friends’ risk-free sheet masks.

Additional information

Weight 0.050 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).