Beauty Friends II Vitamin Essence Mask Sheet Pack


For healthy and youthful skin, get yourself Vitamin Essence Mask Sheet Pack by Beauty Friends. This is a Korean-made sheet mask that is infused with enough Vitamin E to provide a robust anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effect, as well as to properly treat and soothe skin irritations, inflammations and strengthen the dermis. My Lip Filler is happy to inform its customers that it has now added this revolutionary skincare product to its selection.

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What is Vitamin E and how can it help your skin?

Vitamin E is used in reference to several different antioxidant compounds. All of them are naturally found in the human body. Therefore, the continuous use of this improved face mask is proven to be 100% safe. This group of antioxidants will improve the appearance of the skin of your face by:

  • Reducing oxidative stress of skin cells for a rejuvenated look
  • Providing additional protection to the top layer of the dermis for improved skin health
  • Stimulating anti-inflammatory processes to speed up healing of scars and other skin damages
  • Restoring the hydro balance in the skin, making it stronger and more resilient to external forces

Skin types for which Vitamin Essence Mask Sheet Pack is suitable

Beauty Friends has designed is Vitamin Essence Mask Sheet Pack to meet the needs of people of all skin types. With this specially tailored face mask, there is no risk of adverse effects such as itching, dryness, irritations, etc. because it has an excellently balanced formula that simply works for everyone. It can even be applied chilled or heated, giving consumers more freedom of choice. We, at My Lip Filler, on the other hand, are here to give you low prices and 100% authentic products.

Additional information

Weight 0.050 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).