Beauty Friends II Snail Essence Mask Sheet Pack


We, from My Lip Filler, are happy to introduce you to one of the hottest and hippest skincare products available on today’s market – Snail Essence Mask Sheet Pack. Featured in Beauty Friends’ top-notch sheet mask range, it will provide your skin with a royal treatment by deeply hydrating, cleaning and revitalizing it. This exceptional cosmetic solution contains snail secretion filtrate but it is a 100% cruelty-free product.

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Cruelty-free, all-natural face mask

Snail Essence Mask Sheet Pack contains mainly natural ingredients and substances such as extracts from various plants and herbs. However, its impressive skin regeneration properties can be mainly blamed on the purified snail secretion filtrate in its advanced composition. The presence of this unusual substance in this quality South Korean is not to be underestimated because snail secretion is packed with:

  • Vitamin A – stimulates cell regeneration and growth
  • Vitamin E – serves as an antioxidant and provides durable protection for the skin
  • Allantoin – hydrates and exfoliates the face
  • Elastin – rejuvenates and improves skin’s elasticity
  • Glycolic acid – brightens the complexion and exfoliates

This optimized sheet mask can be freely applied on a wide range of skin types to deliver an all-around skincare treatment. It is suitable for everyday use and each pack contains one mask for a one-time application. The snail secretion in it has been obtained through cruelty-free methods.

Precautions that need to be considered

Since Snail Essence Mask Sheet Pack contains a filtrate of an animal origin, it should be used with caution. The first time you apply this reliable sheet mask, make sure you test it on a small area of your face. If it leads to redness, swelling or other side effects and allergic reactions, do not use it.

Additional information

Weight 0.050 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).