Dr. CYJ Hair Filler (1 x 1ml)


Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is an innovative product – the first HA hair filler on the market, delivered by the Korean medical industry giant Caregen and named after the company’s founder – Dr. Chung Young Ji. Combining the power of peptides with the beneficial effects of Hyaluronic acid, this hair filler will can deliver excellent results to patients in just two months of following the injection protocol. The product directly boosts the scalp reconstruction process and stimulates hair re-growth.

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Caregon is notable for the use of peptides in its products. One of the leading manufacturers of mesotherapy solutions, it has patented well over 120 peptides. Using its knowhow of peptides, the company as developed the first hair filler on the market. It combined seven peptides and Hyaluronic acid to boost the hair re-growth in the scalp area for both male and female patients. It’s a form of direct treatment of alopecia for men and women. Dr. CYJ Hair Filler will help patients with feneral thinning hair and is a recommended post hair transplant treatment to augment and retain the results of hair transplantation.

The product works well with other hair growth stimulation solutions and Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is very effective when combined with Caregen’s own Dermaheal HL and, especially, the Dermaheal Stem C’rum HL. They can be utilized to form a highly effective anti-hair loss therapy, which will improve the size and strength of the hair follicle. Not only will the hair filler stop hair loss, but visible reversion of the har falling process will be observed after just two months of injection.

Injection Protocol

The Dr. CYJ Hair Filler is injected directly into the scalp, once twice a month (two weeks apart) for a total of four sessions.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).