Basic Science ION-TO P (BIO PLACENTA) – 20ml x 50 vial


Iontophoresis therapy can now deliver better and longer-lasting skin moisturization results thanks to a special cosmetic product by Histolab called Basic Science ION-TO P (BIO PLACENTA). It has such impressive and hard-to-beat hydration properties that it can even visibly reduce the appearance of superficial lines and fine wrinkles. If you want to purchase this top-quality skincare solution, rely on us, from My Lip Filler, and you will enjoy the lowest prices possible.

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Long-lasting skin treatment focusing on rehydration

One pack of Basic Science ION-TO P (BIO PLACENTA) features 50 vials each of which contains 20ml of this cutting-edge cosmetic product. The recommended dose for one treatment sessions with this product ranges between 3-5cc. To apply it, qualified beauticians and dermatologists are advised to rely on a galvanic stick of an Iontophoresis machine.

Since the main purpose of this dependable skincare product is to hydrate the skin, it is filled with an abundance of ingredients known for their potent moisturizing powers. Those include:

  • Histolab’s very own SRGF H1 Complex (features extracts from 7 plants)
  • Hydrolyzed Corn Protein
  • Phytoplacenta Extract (Soybean)
  • Eucalyptus Leaf Extract

With so many hydrating agents in its advanced formula, this inexpensive cosmetic solution never fails to provide durable results. That is because a well-moisturized skin is characterized by:

  • An improved elasticity
  • A more youthful and healthy look
  • A smoother and softer texture
  • Reduced appearance of superficial wrinkles and lines

Another ingredient that is also included in this fantastic mix is Citrus Junos Fruit Extract which will deliver numerous beneficial nutrients to the skin.

How safe is this first-class cosmetic product?

Histolab’s Basic Science ION-TO P (BIO-PLACENTA) is proven to be extremely safe. Patients need not be alarmed by the word “placenta.” This effective skincare product contains non-human, bio placenta derived from plants.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).