Beauty Friends II Herb Essence Mask Sheet Pack


Part of the hottest beauty trend originating from South Korea, Herb Essence Mask Sheet Pack is among the best-selling face masks today. This original skincare product by Beauty Friends relies on an impressive combo of herbs and other natural ingredients to offer safe rejuvenation of sensitive skin. With its aloe vera leaf and Centella extracts, it also hydrates and deeply cleans target areas. Purchase it now from My Lip Filler at a reasonable price.

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A powerful sheet mask with special properties

While most professional-grade, at-home sheet masks aim only at providing users with a refreshing or a soothing effect, Herb Essence Mask Sheet Pack by Beauty Friends has outstanding anti-aging abilities. In just 20-30 minutes, it will make the skin of your face shinier, softer and even more radiant as it:

  • Increases collagen synthesis by boosting circulation levels
  • Swiftly hydrates the skin
  • Offers long-lasting protection to the top layer of the dermis
  • Stimulates cell turnover and speeds up the healing of soft tissue

Therefore, if you have a dry, rough or damaged skin, this groundbreaking sheet mask will not let you down. It is sold in a convenient package. Each sachet contains one face mask which is made for a single, one-time application only.

Packed with a diverse bouquet of skin-boosting herbs

Herb Essence Mask Sheet Pack is based on a wide range of natural substances. However, the two main ingredients in it are extracts from aloe vera leaf and Centella. Aloe vera is notorious for its exceptional moisturizing properties and its robust anti-inflammatory abilities. Centella or Gotu Kola, as it is also known, is filled with a remarkable wealth of fatty acids, amino acids and other important substances such as beta carotene that considerably improve skin elasticity and reduce enlarged pores.

Additional information

Weight 0.050 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).