Pbserum High (Enzymatic Reagents + HA 2.0)


Collagen is the most vital element to healthy skin. It’s beneficial properties, however, go beyond smoothness and improvement of skin texture and elasticity. Pbserum High contains increased amount of Collagenase recombinant enzyme, in order to amplify the production of new and healthy collagen fibers, while helping with issues like deep to severe skin wrinkles and fold and more importantly treating scarring and preventing fibrosis formation.

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There are two main vectors to Pbserum High’s effect – dealing with skin volume loss problems, both in the facial and body areas, and removing scar tissue, all the while limiting the effect of fibrosis and restoring tissue flexibility.

Collagenase PB220 is responsible for the deep restoration of collagen deposits int eh skin. This enzyme is very effective in targeting the misshaped and damaged collagen fibers and dissolving them. What is more important, it directly stimulates the fibroblasts to rapidly increase the synthesis of new and healthy collagen, hence the name of the enzyme itself. The new deposits of collagen create new supportive structures in the extracellular matrix, fill severe skin depressions in a natural way, all the while lifting sagging skin, smoothing out wrinkles and restoring the natural youthful texture.

When combined with the effect of lipase and lyase, this new and healthy collagen also noticeably improves the condition of scar tissues. Surgery, wounds and certain fibrotic conditions will cause the skin to form visible and dense fibrotic formations in the dermis. Pbserum High will not only soften these tissues and reduce the amount of scarring, but will also half the process of fibrosis, preventing such tissues to form in the future, as well.

Additional effects and overall benefits include the improvements in the general condition and health of the dermis in the treated area. Pbserum High has a noticeable effect in long term skin hydration improvements and, when used on the body, will affect help to reduce cellulite deposits under the skin.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).