Pbserum Medium (Enzymatic Reagents + HA 2.0)


This advanced, enzyme based solution, uses second generation, purified, enzymatic reagents, combined with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, perfectly balanced to stimulate rapid and safe removal of adipose tissues, or plainly put – dissolve body fat and cellulite. It is appropriate for usage in the chin and neck areas, but also the arms and body, the abdomen and inner thighs in particular. Pbserum Medium is one of the very few fat dissolvers on the market, that also have skin tightening and lifting effect.

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While all three entries of the PBSerum Medical line use the same three based enzyme ingredients, which are solved in high molecular weight Hyaluronic acid, the difference in balance of these enzymatic reagents makes for a big difference in the end result, while maintaining the overall, broader skin treatment properties of the three products.

In the case of PBSerum Medical Medium, the main focus if dealing with unwanted fat deposits in the neck, chin and body area, as well as the arms. By increasing the amount of Lipase (PB500) in the product, PBSerum Medium is very effective in breaking triglycerides in fat cells down, thus allowing for the dissolution of localized fat deposits. This approach is very safe and the subsequent product, fatty acids and glycerol, are safely metabolized by the body.

But what really makes the Pbserum Medium shine is that it also has visible skin tightening effect. Like the other PBSerum Medical products, it also contains Collagenase (PB220) and Lyase (PB72K). The first will revitalize the collagen deposits in the extracellular matrix, while the latter will further reduce the local swelling by reducing the liquids retainer in the ECM. Their effect is booster by the Hyaluronic acid, which doubles down as a lubricant, as it helps to hydrate and firm the skin. Thus, once the fat cells are dealt with, the skin does not sag.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).