Basic Science Callus Stempeel PHA 100 – 120ml


Who said that people with sensitive skin should avoid advanced peeling products? Basic Science Callus Stempeel PHA 100 – 120ml is here to quickly defy and bust that myth. This optimized Histolab cosmetic solution has exceptional skin conditioning and peeling effects and can be easily and safely used on all types of skin, including on extremely sensitive ones. If you want to give it a go, feel free to purchase it via My Lip Filler.

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A non-aggressive peeling product suitable for sensitive skin

Basic Science Callus Stempeel PHA 100 is developed to be used by people of any skin types, including those that do not really have any skin concerns and simply wish to maintain the healthy condition of their dermis the way it is. But because of its non-toxic and extremely mild nature, this revolutionary chemical peeling product can also be applied on oily, dry and even on sensitive skin. Keep in mind, however, that “mild” does not mean ineffective… at least not in this case. This state-of-the-art cosmetic solution is packed with natural ingredients and low-risk components. Among them are Citric Acid, Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid which, when combined together have the remarkable ability to rapidly remove all dead skin cells. However, since such acidic substances can have a negative effect on the skin, Histolab has also decided to add health-friendly botanical ingredients that will soothe and balance the effects of the product. Those include Impomoea Hederacea Callus culture extract, as well as extracts from Nelumbo nucifera flower and cactus. The former considerably improves skin’s health and visibly revitalizes it, while the latter two soothe skin irritations through their powerful hydration properties.

Other advantages of Basic Science Callus Stempeel PHA 100

  • Significantly cleanses clogged pores
  • Conditioners the skin
  • Quickly reduces sebum production
  • Restores skin’s healthy hydro balance

Additional information

Weight 0.200 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).