HyalDew Mid (1 x 1ml)


HyalDew Mid is a Hyaluronic Acid filler that has two main uses. On the one hand, it can enhance the appearance of the lips and the cheekbones without surgery or pain. On the other hand, the product can remove deep wrinkles on the face such as nasolabial folds. In either case, the results are always natural and the risk for side effects is quite low.

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HyalDew Mid — Uses and Main Treatment Zones

One of the best things about this HA filler injection is that it uses MBMT technology. Thanks to it, its gel adapts to the texture of the skin. As a result, plastic surgeons can use this product on different areas of the face that include:

  • The forehead
  • Cheekbones
  • Around the mouth
  • Lips

When applied on the cheekbones and the lips, it adds extra volume to improve the profile of these facial zones.

What to Expect After the Treatment?

The effects of this dermal filler are visible instantly. Therefore, patients will not need to wait to enjoy their new appearance. Best of all, adverse reactions after the procedure are rare and even if such show up, they are never severe. Plus, they disappear within a couple of days at the most.

Still, there is a chance that there will be some slight swelling, bruising, and redness around the treatment points. Once again, those should heal in no time. Some patients can also experience additional side effects such as itching or tenderness.

If you want to see this product’s facial sculpting and anti-aging powers from first hand, purchase HyalDew Mid now. Also, check out the other skin fillers from BioPlus’ HyalDew range.

Additional information

Weight 0.070 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).