AestheFill PDLLA Filler 1 x 200mg


AestheFill offers a new approach to skin treatment and a new vision in the semi-permanent filler industry. This is an advanced specialized solution, which induces skin regeneration and self-healing, improving the skin condition for a very extended period of time, smoothing out deep wrinkles, vastly increasing the collagen synthesis in the skin and completely removing even the most severe forms of skin depressions in the facial area.

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While traditional Hyaluronic fillers are mostly focused on the immediate effect, AestheFill aims to offer a long-lasting solution. Once introduced into the skin, AestheFill will gradually help it create collagen by inducing collagenogenesis and help that collagen build up over time. This permits the product to more naturally deal with deep skin wrinkles, folds and other depressions on one hand, while improving the overall condition of the skin, on the other. More rejuvenated, firmer and youthful skin, with smoother texture and restored elasticity – this is what AestheFill can provide.

It is based on PDLLA – poly-D, L-lactic acid, an improved base for long term skin rejuvenation, as compared to the more popular PLLA (Poly-L-Lactic acid). It is still completely biocompatible and biodegradeable, making the AestheFill a perfectly safe method for restoring skin volume loss in a variety of areas of the face, especially the cheeks and the nasolabial area.

Further, it can be effectively utilized to treat lipodystrophy in both the face and neck areas, but also décolleté and hands. When properly used the AestheFill can also help with improving or restoring the contour of certain facial features.

Unlike traditional HA fillers, AestheFill does not come in the form of a gel. Prior to usage it must be properly dissolved to an injectable solution. The standard dose for preparation is ten milliliters of injectable saline, with the ready solution being enough to fully and thoroughly treat two to three areas in the face, neck or hands.

The application procedures are characterized by minimal discomfort for the patient. Results are not immediate, but can be expected to become more and more noticeable over time, within the first two months post usage, while the long term results should be observable for a period of up to two years.

Additional information

Weight 0.050 kg

Disclaimer: Always read the detailed ingredients list on the back of the box or inside the included booklet. Be sure to read the included leaflet in regard to intended usage, proper application, safety procedures and, if applicable, possible counter indications and/or adverse effects. Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients (certain products contain Lidocaine).