Choose Your Filler Right

Dermal fillers have been the buzz for nearly two decades now. The are the affordable and much less-invasive alternative to traditional plastic surgery. However, people do not realize the there are different sorts of facial augmentation (and body) fillers. The main districting factor is the compound the fillers are based upon, so it’s only natural to begin with the most popular type of filler.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Hands down, this is the most popular form of facial and body filler, which is based on the Hyaluronic acid (HA). This compound is natural to the human body and has unique properties in its interaction with water, which makes it a preferred ingredient by the beauty industry. HA fillers are used for virtually all types of treatments – from wrinkle removal, through lip augmentation to facial contouring. There are even purely Hyaluronic acid based body fillers for breast, thigh and buttocks contouring. Softer dermal fillers based on HA double down as skin rejuvenating solutions, as their gel dissolves quicker and as the process takes place in the skin of the patient, it improves its moisture levels. Probably the best known brands of these “classical” fillers are Juvederm, Restylane, Teosyal and Stylage.

The prime characteristic on injectable gel based on HA is how versatile these fillers are. These products are used to remove skin depressions or add volume in all areas of the face: forehead, temples, cheeks, mouth, lips, and jawline. Lip filler deserve a special mention as these have almost completely taken over older methods and types of fillers used for adding lip volume.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers

In their essence, Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers serve an identical, or at least very similar, purpose to Hyaluronic acid fillers – to add volume. The difference is at the core ingredient – rather than revolve around HA, these injectables are based on a substance which is naturally occurring in the teeth and bones of the huma body. As a CH fillers are characterized but a notably longer duration, as compred to HA filler, which led to the coining of the term “semi-permanent fillers” (anything in the 2 to 5 year range). These are mostly contouring and deep fold removal solutions.

By far, the most renown brand of this type is Radiesse, which is a premium quality (and priced) filler product, used to restore lost volume in the cheeks, sculpt the facial oval and contour the jawline. The injected Radiesse gel will typically remain in place for about two years – far longer than the average HA filler. It’s worth noting there are alternative solutions one the rise, such as the Gana Ch which combines Hyaluronic acid and Calcium for a more extended effect of up to three years.

As a final note, Calcium based fillers often have the added benefit of prolonged collagen production stimulation.

Poly-L-Lactic Acid Fillers

Unlike the above examples, Poly-L-Lactic or simply PLLA fillers are based on a synthetic material, which does not occur naturally in the human body. PLLA is, however, completely biocompatible, so it does not cause adverse reactions, is not harmful to the human body and is perfectly safe for medical and beauty procedure usage.

PLLA filler have the main advantage over other types of injectables in regard how strongly they stimulate the collagen production in the area of application. Even more so than Calcium fillers. Collagen itself does occur naturally in the human body and is, in fact one of the most important compounds in regard to skin softness, hydration and, especially, elasticity. Poly-L-Lactic Acid Fillers help with wrinkles and skin lines and can have powerful lifting effect on sagging skin. In addition, by inducing rapid collagen production, PLLA fillers help to restore sizeable amounts of lost skin volume in the facial area.

Here, the most recognizable brand in the world would be Sculptra. Like the Radiesse, above, the effect of the Sculptra filler can last up to two years and it is a preferred long term solution for dealing with aging and/or sagging skin. The cheaper alternative is the Gana PN – a Korean filler combining Hyaluronic acid and PLLA.

In conclusion

As opposed to traditional plastic surgery and beauty corrections, dermal fillers are a much less invisible, cheaper and pain-free solution for facial and body corrections. Regardless of your need – be it lip enhancement, wrinkle removal, facial sculpting, body contouring or general lifting of the skin, there is most likely a type of filler and a brand that can sort that problem out for you.

It’s best to start by consulting a certified professional (dermatologist, plastic surgeon, etc.) who will help you narrow down the best dermal filler for your use case and needs. Having chosen the best suite product will ensure lasting results, overall more youthful and natural look, without the need for expensive plastic surgery.

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Author: Maya Sharma

Maya Sharma is an accomplished aesthetician, renowned for her expertise in holistic skincare. With a decade of experience, Maya specializes in personalized treatments such as facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and various forms of mesotherapy. Incorporating her Indian cultural heritage and continuous education in skincare, Maya delivers bespoke solutions tailored to each individual's needs. Her curious personality pushes her to research the latest and greatest innovations of the beauty industry and then share them with her customers and online followers.